
A Remake of the dos Bips game from Bryant Brownell. It is a Puzzle game which is a variation of sokoban written in SDL 3 based on my old gp2x version

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Blips is a remake of the dos bips game made by Bryant Brownell, its a sokoban style puzzle game but with exploding dynamite and collecting coins


screenshot 1 screenshot 2 screenshot 3 screenshot 4

Game Features:

Playing the Game:

The aim of the game is to collect all the dollar coins in a level, you need to create pathways to these coins by pushing boxes around or even make them explode by pushing them into the dynamite

Command Line Parameters

Blips.exe [-w <WIDTH>] [-h <HEIGHT>] [-f] [-ns] [-a] [-fps] [-nd] [-nj]

  -w <WIDTH>: use <WIDTH> as window width
  -h <HEIGHT>: use <HEIGHT> as window height
  -f: Run fullscreen
  -ns: No Sound
  -s: Use Software rendering (default is hardware accelerated)
  -fps: Show fps
  -nd: no fps delay (run as fast as possible)
  -nj: disable joystick input

Controls Gamepad (xbox controller)

Button Action
A Confirm in menus, level selector and questions asked, place a part in the level editor
B Quit to title screen on the level selector, Quit to level selector in game and level editor mode. Quit the game on the titlescreen
Y In Level editor Mode, Create a new level when being in the level selector. In the level editor itself erase all parts from the screen. Inside the game itself restart the level
X In the level editor, center the level on screen
JOYSTICK move main player
SELECT Show statistics during a game. Hide the part position/grid in the level editor
L At the level Selector decrease selected level with 5, During game play select the next Skin. In the level editor select previous part
R At the level Selector increase selected level with 5, During game play select next music. In the level editor select next part.
START Test level when being in the level editor, go back to level editor after testing, Restart the current level
Y + JOYSTICK When playing a level you can look around in the level freely

Controls (Keyboard)

Button Action
A, SPACE, RETURN Confirm in menus, level selector and questions asked, place a part in the level editor
B Show statistics during a game. Hide the part position/grid in the level editor
Y In Level editor Mode, Create a new level when being in the level selector. In the level editor itself erase all parts from the screen. Inside the game itself restart the level
X In the level editor, center the level on screen
Arrow Keys move main player
ESCAPE Quit to title screen on the level selector, Quit to level selector in game and level editor mode. Quit the game on the titlescreen
L, PAGEDOWN At the level Selector decrease selected level with 5, During game play select the next Skin. In the level editor select previous part
R, PAGEUP At the level Selector increase selected level with 5, During game play select next music. In the level editor select next part.
RETURN Test level when being in the level editor, go back to level editor after testing, Restart the current level
Y + Arrow keys When playing a level you can look around in the level freely


Game is a remake of dos bips game made by Bryant Brownell and based on the gp2x version i initially made


Level authors


Music was made by donskeeto

