
Small Checkers game for the Playdate handheld.

Project maintained by joyrider3774 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Checkers Playdate Version

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Checkers is the well known board game with four difficulties and a jump heuristic. This version is port of my gp2x version made to work with the Playdate handheld.

Playdate Game Features:

Playing the Game:

You are the white player playing against the black player, and start on the bottom of the screen, you can move the selector around with the dpad and select pieces with the (A) button. Once a piece is selected it will display the valid moves it can do and you can do the move by selecting the diagonal direction you want your piece to go using the dpad. If your turn is over the AI / CPU Player will start thinking about it’s move and make the move.

Checkers Game rules


Play version with colored graphics

The windows, mac, (self build) linux and html (web assembly) versions can switch out the default playdate graphics with colored graphics if you press the F3 button on the keyboard or the X Button on your (xbox) gamepad. The game will restart with the next source folder and remember which source folder you are using the next time you start the game.



Button Action
Dpad Select menu’s and options. Move the selector on the board. When a piece is selected, diagonals dictate the move
A Confirm in menu’s, Selecting a piece on the board
B Back in menus and game

Keyboard Windows / Mac / Browser

Button Action
Arrow keys Select menu’s and options. Move the selector on the board. When a piece is selected, diagonals dictate the move
X Confirm in menu’s, Selecting a piece on the board
C Back in menus and game
F Switch between fullscreen & windowed mode
F3 Switch Source Folders (switch between playdate and colored graphics)
F4 Quit game

Game pad Windows / Mac / Browser

Button Action
dpad & joystick Select menu’s and options. Move the selector on the board. When a piece is selected, diagonals dictate the move
A Confirm in menu’s, Selecting a piece on the board
B Back in menus and game
X Button Switch Source Folders (switch between playdate and colored graphics)
